Workers' Compensation And Repetitive Stress Injuries
Posted on: 16 November 2015
Not all on-the-job injuries happen suddenly. Repetitive stress (or strain) injuries can occur after repeated stress to certain body parts over an extended period of time. Assembly line work, typing on a keyboard or any job that requires repeated motions can cause your affected joints, tendons, muscles and ligaments to become painful and inflamed. Since most jobs call for these motions to be accomplished on a regular basis, the tiny tears that form have no opportunity to properly heal. You may be entitled to receive workers' compensation for your repetitive stress injury, so read for more information about how to get your claim approved.
What Conditions Are Classified As Repetitive Stress Injuries?
If you suffer from the following conditions and can associate the problem with work, you may have a workers' comp claim.
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: The tunnel in the name of this condition refers to the passageway of nerves in the wrist, which can become compressed and then painful, swollen and numb with repetitive use. People who type on keyboards all day are frequent victims of this disorder.
- Tendinitis: As the name suggests, tendons can become inflamed with overuse and will progress from feeling warm to the touch to sudden sharp pain, and eventually immobility. Drivers of heavy equipment often experience this type of condition to their arms and legs.
- Bursitis: Your elbow and knees can be frequent locations of bursitis injuries. Tenderness and pain accompany feelings of crackling or crunching when moving the affected area.
How To Get Compensated
1. Don't delay in seeking medical attention, even if you must use your own health insurance. These injuries only worsen with time. If you end up filing a workers' comp claim, your medical insurance will seek payment from workers' comp insurance. Additionally, save your receipts to get reimbursed for any out-of-pocket medical expenses such as co-pays and deductibles.
2. Make sure that your injury is recorded by your doctor as work-related. You must be able to show a direct connection between your job and the injury, and you must have written evidence of this connection.
3. Alert your employer as soon as possible and ensure that an accident report and workers' comp claim is filed.
4. Continue treatment: complete all lab work, take prescribed medications and keep your medical appointments. Having lapses in treatment can show that your injury is not severe enough to be considered for a workers' comp claim or compensation.
Repetitive stress injuries can be more challenging to prove, so if your claims of injury are not being taken seriously, or if you've been turned down for a workers' comp claim, contact a workers' compensation attorney like David Ewens as soon as possible to help get you the help you deserve.