What To Do If Road Debris Caused Your Car Accident
Posted on: 6 July 2018
From mulch and pieces of lumber to rocks and blown tires, there are many pieces of debris that can fall out of or off of vehicles onto the road you are driving on. Unfortunately, this road debris can increase your risk of having an accident, damaging your car or even injuring yourself and your family. While shocking to learn, road debris is responsible for more than 200,000 crashes over a four-year period in the United States. If you were recently involved in an accident due to debris in the road, here are a few things you need to know.
Determine Severity of Accident
Knowing what to do first will depend on the severity of the accident. Of course, if you are injured, seeking medical attention is a priority. It is also important to note that you should consult a doctor after the accident even if you feel physically fine, since issues such as internal bleeding or whiplash may not show signs until later.
If you were not injured, determine the severity of any damage done to your vehicle. Make sure to pull over after hitting the road debris, allowing you to safely evaluate the damage to your vehicle.
Determine Liability
In cases where you were injured or your vehicle was damaged, you will need to file claims with an insurance company. Unfortunately, this can be difficult if you are unable to determine who is liable for the road debris.
In most instances, you will not see the actual debris falling from another vehicle to find the cu. However, you should still document the debris after the accident if possible.
Use your smartphone to snap a few photos of the item in the road once you have pulled safely over onto the side of the road.
These photos can be used when filing a claim with your insurance company, helping you prove the accident was not technically your fault.
If you are able to determine who is liable, consult with an auto accident lawyer. Filing a claim against the liable party's insurance company will help you make necessary repairs on your vehicle without affecting your own insurance policy.
If you were injured because of this debris, holding the other party liable will be even more important. Medical bills and the loss of income if you are unable to work for a period of time because of the accident can be compensated.
Road debris is a common cause of many dangerous accidents that affect your vehicle and your physical health. Remember these tips if you are involved in an accident involving debris in the road.