How To Get Help In A Car Accident Case
Posted on: 14 January 2021
Recovering from a car accident takes time and will likely also require several rounds of physical therapy. You'll also need to get legal assistance if you want the case to push forward with the help that you need. Here is what you need to know about dealing with vehicle wrecks and the legal fallout that it brings.
Get help and get the accident on the record
Before anything else, you have to make sure that you get an official record of the car accident. You're required by law to report it to the Department of Motor Vehicle (DMV) and your insurance. When you suffer injuries in a car accident, you also have a limited amount of time that you can recover legal damages in court. This timetable is known as the statute of limitations. For example, the state of California requires that you file for physical injuries within 6 months, while some states give you up to 2 years. For property damages in California, you must file your case within 3 years. These statutes of limitations are a big reason that it's important to get your accident on the record officially.
This record usually happens with a police officer's report. The municipal police will file a report when you call them if the accident took place on a local street. Highway patrol or state police will handle the accident if it took place on interstate or state routes. Having everything on the record will allow you to have evidence and data for your case.
Find legal advice and representation from car accident attorneys
You have to also get legal advice from an attorney that can help you. Consult with some car accident lawyers that have worked with cases like yours and let them know your side of the story. With a car wreck, you will have to show that you didn't cause it and that the other driver was negligent. A car accident lawyer can help you prove this in addition to the monetary value of any damages you gain if you suffered during the accident. They will assist you in getting your vehicle back to the best condition, or help you to get the payment that you need to buy a brand new replacement automobile.
Think about these tips whenever you have a car accident that requires legal help. Contact a car accident attorney that can assist you in your case.