What To Know If You Are Facing Your 2nd DUI Charge
Facing a first DUI charge is usually not that bad. After all, courts are a lot more lenient for first offenses than for repeat offenses, and this is why you will need to make sure you hire a lawyer right away as you face your second DUI charge. If this is where you are, here are several important things to know as you prepare to face this second charge. The way you settled it has effects
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Denied a Building Permit on Environmental Grounds? What Are Your Options?
Homeowners who wish to break new ground on a construction project or make changes to their existing property must seek a government-issued permit before construction can begin. In situations where construction or alteration may impact wildlife or natural resources, the state's Department of Natural Resources or equivalent bureau often serves as the gatekeeper by approving, modifying, or denying permits based on the prospective effect on the environment. But what happens when you're denied permission to make a necessary repair or renovation?
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New Sports Car Getting You In Trouble After College Graduation? Consider A Speeding Ticket Lawyer
After you graduated college, your parents bought you a great new sports car and you've been having a bit too much fun with it. Riding a sports car too fast is something that many do but which can become a legal problem if you aren't careful and start getting tickets. Thankfully, a high-quality speeding ticket attorney can help you manage this situation and make everything easier for you. Too Many Speeding Tickets Can Be a Problem
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Examples Of Different Types Of Criminal Sentences
If you are facing a criminal charge, you should be aware of the potential penalties you might face if you get convicted. Below is an overview of various forms of criminal sentences. Concurrent vs. Cumulative Concurrent and cumulative (consecutive) sentences may be handed out to those convicted of multiple crimes. For the concurrent sentences, all the sentences begin at the same time. For the cumulative sentences, the sentences are served one after the other.
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How Emotional Injuries Are Considered In A Personal Injury Case
When you are in an accident or you are hurt because of the negligence of another person, your overall injuries often go beyond the obvious physical ones. Your pain and suffering are important too, and this includes your emotional pain after having sustained a serious injury that leaves you without the ability to work for an extended period of time. Establishing mental pain and suffering may take some effort. In some cases, mental pain and suffering may be obvious, while in others the suffering is more subtle.
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Initial Offers From Insurance Companies: What You Need To Know
An injury due to negligence of another person or party is upsetting and frustrating. While you have to deal with the pain of physical injuries, you also have to contend with insurance companies to receive adequate compensation. In some cases, an insurance company may offer you a lower amount to settle your case than what you need. In this case, you will need an attorney to help you receive a higher payout.
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Making Restitution: An Enhanced Penalty
A relatively new form of punishment for criminal acts has slowly crept into sentencing guidelines. Restitution is a financial payment made to the victims or to the next of kin of victims and is owed by the convicted perpetrator of the crime. If you have been arrested, being aware of what you are facing in terms of punishment is very important. Read on and speak to your defense attorney about victim restitution.
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3 Specialties Of Law To Look For In A Law Firm
Similar to the medical field, lawyers usually specialize in specific types of law to help their clients. Although lawyers don't have to do lengthy residencies and they usually just study small parts of the law during law school, once they graduate and go out on their own, that's when they specialize. If you are in need of a lawyer or if you're just curious about the law, then this article is just the thing or you.
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Using Your Wildcard Exemptions In Bankruptcy
Some people having financial difficulties put off filing for the debt relief they need due to fear of losing property. While some filers could be in a position to forfeit real estate, cars, or other property as part of the liquidation process, most filers never need to relinquish any property at all. As you might know, bankruptcy exemptions can help reduce the value of your property, and that can help it look less appealing to the trustee.
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The Roles And Responsibilities Of A Bankruptcy Trustee In A Chapter 7 Case
If you are thinking about filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy and have already met with a lawyer about it, you should fully evaluate the pros and cons bankruptcy offers before going through with it. You should also find out the answers to any questions you may have about the process, and you might also want to learn more about the roles and responsibilities of the bankruptcy trustee who will be assigned to your case.
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