Address The Age Discrimination That You Are Dealing With At Your Place Of Employment
Posted on:
15 February 2019
Envision the following scenario - You recently were hired as a secretary and have been working hard to fulfill your job duties. A new boss has been assigned to your department and he begins making little digs about your age. He seems to favor the younger workers and never says anything out of the way to them. Little by little, your job performance suffers and you feel unworthy to be employed.
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These Four CRE Legal Issues May Trip You Up
Posted on:
7 January 2019
Dealing with any type of commercial real estate carries with it a range of legal implications. Buyers, sellers, leasers and renters all need to see that their rights will be protected, but these four common CRE legal issues can catch anyone off guard.
Getting a Clean Title
Both the buyer and the seller of a property have an interest in ensuring that a clean title is transferred as part of any sale.
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Three Things To Know About Blame In A Personal Injury Case
Posted on:
28 November 2018
It's a misconception that for a personal injury case to be successful, one party has to be entirely to blame and the other party — you — cannot be to blame at all. The simple truth of the matter is that there are lots of nuances about blame, and you shouldn't let any preconceived ideas that you have affect how you move forward after an accident and injury. When you're speaking to a personal injury attorney, don't be afraid to ask any questions that you have about blame, negligence, and any related topics.
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3 On The Job Issues That Can Lead You To Seek Civil Rights Attorney Services
Posted on:
17 October 2018
The idea of using a civil rights attorney may bring up the idea of a loss of a job due to religious or gender discrimination. You may not think of the other instances where a civil rights attorney may be necessary. Here are three times when an on the job issue can lead you to seek out this specific branch of legal representation. Also included are key points you need to know about each issue and how the attorney can help.
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