5 Ways In Which A Hospital May Be Held Liable For Your Infection
Posted on:
13 November 2014
In the course of a hospital stay, patients may contract a serious, or even deadly, infection. In fact, about one in 20 patients contract an infection while in the hospital, many of which are preventable. You may wonder if you can hold the hospital responsible. It's possible, but you'll need to prove that your or your loved one's infection was a result of the hospital's negligence. The following five instances help illustrate ways in which the hospital may be liable:
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4 Common Questions About Filing For Bankruptcy
Posted on:
13 November 2014
If you're drowning in debt and feel like there is no way out, you may want to consider resetting your financial responsibilities by filing for bankruptcy. Here are 4 common questions you may have regarding the process.
When Should I File For Bankruptcy?
If your income is not high enough to pay your debts, bankruptcy might be the solution to help you get back on track financially. This can often happen if you have gone through a recent divorce, have outstanding medical bills, or have lost your job and cannot pay for your mortgage.
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Divorce Law: 3 Things You May Not Know About Ending Your Marriage
Posted on:
13 November 2014
Under most circumstances, you have no idea how a divorce works. You have no idea what the law states about divorce. This is specifically true for those who have never been through a divorce. There are always misconceptions regarding divorce and other aspects of the law. Here are three things that you should be aware of before you file for the dissolution of your marriage:
1. You Don't Need Your Spouse's Permission to File for Divorce.
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Did Your Mental Illness Have Something To Do With Your Crime?
Posted on:
13 November 2014
If you're in legal trouble, can your mental illness be used as part of your defense? Maybe. Read more to understand how your mental illness may help you if you are facing criminal charges.
You Need To Be Candid With Your Attorney About Your Mental Illness
Some people clearly appear to be mentally ill, but many people suffer from mental illnesses that aren't so obvious, such as depression or bi-polar disorder.
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