Dealing With School Choice After Divorce

Posted on: 29 May 2018
Education is one of the best gifts parents can give to their children, but divorcing couples aren't always in agreement on how to give their kids this gift. For example, one parent may favor one school over another. If the issue ends up in court, these are the factors it will consider when ruling on the issue. How Close the School Is The court's main interest is to look out for the welfare of the child, and this is why the proximity of the schools in question comes into play.
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Suspect A Fraudulent Workers Compensation Claim? 4 Steps To Take To Defend Against It

Posted on: 7 May 2018
When you own a business, you can't afford fraudulent workers compensation claims. Your insurance premiums go up each time your insurance company is forced to pay out on a claim. Unfortunately, the cost of those claims are passed on to you. If you suspect that one of your employees has filed a fraudulent workers compensation claim, you need to hire a defense attorney. A workers compensation defense attorney will help you fight the payment of that claim.
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Not Planning To Hire A Divorce Attorney? 3 Reasons Why You Need To

Posted on: 3 April 2018
Even if you think your divorce will be easy, you do not know what is going to come up as you go through it. Some of these things may be costly to you if you do not do things right. To help you get through your divorce quickly, below are three reasons why you need to hire a divorce attorney to help you. If You Have Children If you and your spouse have children together, you need a divorce attorney to determine who has custody and to have arrangements set up legally.
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Want To Help A Child? Become A Juvenile Court Public Affair Volunteer

Posted on: 2 March 2018
If you have time on your hands and you would like to help people, you should consider becoming a juvenile court public affair volunteer. This is a great way to help children in need so they can have a much better life. Below is more information about this so you can decide if you would like to start volunteering your time. What You Will Do as a Volunteer The volunteer organization you are working with will first assign a child to you.
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