How To Protect Your Auto Accident Injury Settlement From Division As Marital Property
Posted on:
11 February 2016
Eleven states have marital property or community property laws. These laws set forth guidance for dividing all marital property and community assets evenly between both spouses in the case of a divorce, regardless of which party earned the funds or brought the assets into the partnership. There have been a few recent court cases that have settled issues regarding protecting the proceeds of an insurance settlement awarded to one of the marital partners, and keeping the funds from being split with the other spouse during a divorce.
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What Do You Do When You Receive A Notice That You've Been Named A Creditor In Someone's Bankruptcy?
Posted on:
25 January 2016
What happens if you open your mail to find out that you've been named a creditor in a bankruptcy? The notice could be the result of a loan that you gave your brother to help him through his divorce. It could be related to the non-refundable prepaid money that you put down on the photographer for your daughter's upcoming wedding, now that the photographer is suddenly going out of business. Maybe your ex-spouse is behind on the child support or spousal support payments and listed you as a creditor.
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How To Divorce An Abusive Wife
Posted on:
7 January 2016
If you are leaving an abusive wife, you may feel like you are entering an uncharted territory. There is a wealth of resources available to women who choose to leave their abusive husbands, but the issue of abusive wives is less often discussed. As you get in contact with your divorce attorney, there are a few mistakes you will want to avoid to help the divorce move as smoothly as possible.
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Dads And Birth Certificates: What You Need To Know
Posted on:
18 December 2015
If you have had a child out of wedlock, and the baby's mother does not want to add your name to the birth certificate, you may be unsure what your rights are. Luckily, as long as you can establish paternity, your name can be legally added to the birth certificate, even if the mother objects. If you are in this situation, you likely have many questions about being a father and the birth certificate.
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